
Getting Started with Email Marketing Part 7: Tracking Your Success

You may have noticed that throughout this entire email marketing series I keep mentioning the importance of measuring your email campaigns. If you are spending time and money on any type of marketing, why wouldn't you make sure you are getting the best results?

You should review the analytics for your email campaigns consistently. Tracking can take many forms, but here are a few things you definitely need to pay attention to:

Open rate: Review the number of people who open your emails

Click-through rate: Review the number of people that click through the link in your email to your website. Your emails may have more than one link (that's fine!) just pay attention to which links get the most clicks and where you placed them etc. to see what works best.

Conversion Rate: Review the number of people who become a client. For example, if your email is promoting a product, then see how many people clicked the link to that product and actually bought it.

Reviewing these three metrics at the least will give you a good idea of how successful your campaigns are.

All you need to do now is get started. Switch up your subject lines constantly, and play around with the design and frequency until you see start to see the numbers you want!

If you have any specific questions or want to add to my guide with your own advice, leave a comment below!

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Kimberly Portuondo
May 26, 2015
min read
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