
How to blog

3 Tips to Keep Your Blogs Relevant to Your Target Audience

Kimberly Portuondo
April 24, 2018

The first question you need to ask yourself when creating blog content is, “do I really know my target audience.” Marketing does not happen without identifying your target, and the same applies for content marketing. Content marketing takes time and effort, but it is very effective if done properly. Your conversion rates will be higher, if your content is engaging to your target audience.

A Guide to Blog Post Length

Kimberly Portuondo
July 18, 2017

Some people claim that blogging is a thing of the past. That video blogs are the best thing to do. However, if you're looking to rank on search engines, blogging is essential to your business. So you'll want to do whatever you can to blog effectively. Part of drafting the perfect blog is making sure it is the right length for you target audience. There are many theories about how long blog posts should be, but it honestly all depends on your business and your goals. In short the answer is: Your blog post should be as long as you need it to be.

Tips for Blogging

Kimberly Portuondo
April 18, 2017

Are you taking the time to create a good mix of video blogs and written blogs? It's important to have both and here's why.


Kimberly Portuondo
March 9, 2016

On our way home from the marina a couple of days ago, I was given instructions to fend off the stern and when I asked what stern meant I was told to move aft. (Stern and aft in simpler terms mean back of the boat). This struggle to understand boating terminology is a great example of why jargon is a huge NO-NO for your social media marketing.

How to Get Readers to Subscribe to Your Blog

Kimberly Portuondo
April 7, 2015

Blogging is one of the best ways to create content for your business. You can spend plenty of time on the proper blog length and blog frequency, but it will all be a waste of time if you don't have any subscribers. If you want to get readers to subscribe to your blog you need to market it properly.

How Often Should You Post to Your Blog?

Kimberly Portuondo
March 31, 2015

Blogging effectively can be extremely difficult. From blog post length to content, there is so much to consider when writing your blog posts. Once you figure all of that out, you will find yourself wondering how often you should be posting to your blog. And like most things for your business, you will find varied answers.

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