
Email Marketing

Your Guide To Effective Marketing Automation

Kimberly Portuondo
April 23, 2024

Want to save time and get results? Check out our guide to marketing automation, which can help simplify everything from email to social media.

Cleaning Up Your Email Marketing Lists

Kimberly Portuondo
March 24, 2020

Email marketing is an extremely effective way to connect with clients and potential clients. While you can spend most of your time crafting witty and click-through friendly subject lines, it is important to focus a bit of time on list hygiene.

Benefits of Email Marketing

Kimberly Portuondo
March 3, 2020

Marketing best practices and strategies are constantly evolving. That means we see methods of communicating with clients come and go (we’re looking at you, Google+). One method of communication that’s here to stay that you might not be taking full advantage of is email marketing. Email marketing is going strong — 40% of B2B marketing reports that email newsletters are the most critical components to marketing success and 73% of millennials prefer email communication from businesses. Additionally, 99% of consumers check their email daily, and it is the preferred method to receive updates from brands.Whether you’re a marketing expert or are just getting started on your business’ marketing plan, these statistics can’t be ignored. Here are some of the many benefits of email marketing and why it should be part of your marketing plan.

4 Tips to Write Powerful Email Subjects

Kimberly Portuondo
October 23, 2018

There's plenty of schools of thought across on best practices for email marketing, but I wanted to highlight 4 key tips to help you write a subject lines that will draw in your readers.

5 Do's & Don'ts to Avoid Email Spam Filters

Kimberly Portuondo
August 7, 2018

Are you wasting a lot of money every year on email marketing for your emails to just go into junk mail? If this is happening to you, getting a better comprehension of what spam filters are and how they can be avoided could help enhance your return on investment (ROI). Here are some do's and don'ts to ensure that your emails make it into your recipient’s inboxes.

Tips For Your Email Marketing Lists

Kimberly Portuondo
September 5, 2017

Answers to some of the most common questions about growing and reaching your email marketing lists.

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