
Why Working Remotely Yields Better Results For Everyone

Alex Martinez, better known as Typsy Soul, has written a guest blog today for our site! She is an experienced backpacker and a big believer in remote work. She uses the world as her office space and encourages you to do the same. Today, she provides us with some tips on how working remotely can be beneficial to you and your company!

We can all probably agree that most businesses are switching to an online approach to stay alive in this millennia. Going paperless, emailed receipts, social media accounts, marketing videos, and so on. But what happens when companies put their entire teams online, instead of in an office space? Outsourcing work from global citizens, with whom they will never even shake hands.

In this article, I’m going to break down and explain why going remote augments employee’s work output and how businesses are saving time and big bucks!

Outsourcing Remote Workers: An Emerging Business Trend

Over the past few years, we have witnessed one of the greatest growing business trends of this decade take place. Companies are choosing a remote business model.

The criticism that remote employees aren’t hard workers and just write blog posts from home in their pajamas is radically false. As a digital nomad, here’s my take on the trend….

Benefits of Working Remotely

Working remotely is less stressful than working in an office. In fact, 82% of remote workers reported lower stress levels per PGI.

Working remotely is going green. It reduces fuel consumption by $20 million each year. It decreases greenhouse gas emissions by 55 mil tons each year for those who work from home!

From an employer’s perspective, hiring remote workers gives yourself MORE opportunity to find better workers. According to Upwork, 59% of companies are using flexwork this year. This enables businesses to find freelancers who don’t live in their same town, thus serving as an in house employee. This means they can find an array of workers with different skill sets, different time zone availabilities and different backgrounds who can push out content from literally all over the world - just by using a few clicks of a button online.

Businesses can also tap into different and unassuming talent pools (such as expats abroad, students, military spouses, stay at home mom’s, etc). In fact, these people are often willing to work harder to retain the competitive lifestyle which remote employment offers. I mean who wants to give up working on a sunny day outside in the park for their cubicle?

Coworking Spaces > Corporate Offices

You’ll see most remote workers doing their thing from coffee shops and libraries, but coworkers are most productive from co-working spaces.

It has been proven by multiple studies (including one by Deskmag and Deskwanted), that 74% of coworkers are more productive in a coworking space, and 86% have a larger business network than being confined to one office. What’s better than having the choice to work from home one day (without using a “sick day”), or from the co-working space in town, surrounded by creatives, entrepreneurs, and young professionals?

Companies are giving the freedom to let their employees choose now. We’re much more keen to push through the day and less likely to get burn out by working from our own desired environments.

Are Remote Workers More Effective?

Here’s the deal: workers communicate virtually, it requires them to use better communication skills, rather than the old water cooler talk breaks at corporate offices. When you’ve got worker bees away from the hive, they can focus on their tasks more effectively and without office space distractions. Digital nomads are even more motivated to work efficiently so they can get on with their day, tinder dates, pilates classes, and other plans.

The best part? Companies aren’t complaining. They are also getting better output and saving money. They often don’t even need an HR rep because their team is self-managed while working remotely. Win for everyone!

Is Outsourcing Content Right for Your Business?

Overall, hiring a remote team is more efficient for businesses. While making the transition for your business might be an uncomfortable one, trust your instincts and speak to your company decision makers. Remember, you won’t need to onboard workers in a traditional sense, you’ll save time and money, and the result is actually more efficient work.

Post author
Alex Martinez
April 22, 2019
min read
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